Saturday, October 20, 2018

Oddamavady Samurdhi Community Based Bank Society

The Department of Samurdhi Development, which has made the national mission of eradication of poverty in Sri Lanka its major task, has lined up its activities within the broad & range of economic,  and environmental fields, in order to totally empower the community.

“A community strengthened socially, mentally and culturally”

“Implementing social development and environmental programmes in order to build a human community strong socially, mentally, environmentally and culturally”

Welcome to Samurdhi Community Base Bank Society, KPW - Oddamavady

The Department of Samurdhi Development, which has made the national mission of eradication of poverty in Sri Lanka its major task, has lined up its activities within the broad & range of economic, social, mental, political, cultural, legal and environmental fields, in order to totally empower the community.

For this purpose, one of the major Divisions established within the organization structure of the Department of Samurdhi Development is the Social Development and Environment Division.